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animation rendering question

Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 5:08 pm
by error

I was wondering what is the highest possible resolution for animations made by context-free? it is up to 1000 Mpix for images but is it the same for the animations as well? and is it also possible to render an animation frame by frame? lets say a PNG file for each frame in each second of the whole animation?


Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 4:25 pm
by MtnViewJohn
The command-line version, cfdg, generates animations as individual PNG frames. Context Free should be able to generate frames of any size, but it uses QuickTime for creating the movies and I don't know what QT's limts are.

Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 7:50 am
by error
can you very briefly tell me what to do in order to get individual PNG files using the command-line version? or direct me somewhere about how to handle it. quicktime should be able to do a good job with the videos tough.

thanks a lot.

Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 9:36 pm
by MtnViewJohn

Code: Select all

[1003] : ./cfdg -?
cfdg - 2.1(v7)

cfdg [options] input.cfdg output.png/svg
    or to pipe a cfdg file on standard input:
cfdg [options] - output.png/svg

    -w num    width in pixels(png) or mm(svg) (default 500)
    -h num    height in pixels(png) or mm(svg) (default 500)
    -s num    set both width and height in pixels/mm
    -m num    maximum number of shapes (default none)
    -x float  minimum size of shapes in pixels/mm (default 0.3)
    -b float  border size [-1,2]: -1=-8 pixel border, 0=no border,
              1=8 pixel border, 2=variable-sized border
    -v str    set the variation code (default is random)
    -a num    generate num animation frames (PNG only)
    -z        zoom out during animation
    -V        generate SVG (vector) output
    -c        crop image output
    -?        show this message, then exit

Historical usage: ./cfdg input.cfdg output.png width height [maxshapes]
Use the '-a num' command-line option to get cfdg to output several PNG files and animation frames. The '-z' option determines whether the animation zooms out or has a fixed scale.

To compile cfdg on Windows you will need to install Cygwin. On a Mac you can just type 'make cfdg'.

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 6:18 pm
by error
Thanks a lot, I think I can figure out how to do this thing..

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 9:26 am
by stallina
How do I save an animation properly on photoshop? I've made an animation of photshop, save it to gif. But when I tried to upload it to photobucket, it became a picture. I want it to stay as an animation. But I want to do it properly. And I want to it stay as an animation.