Compilation impossible.

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Compilation impossible.

Post by G3org »

Bonjour à tous !

Voilà, je souhaite compiler Context Free Art à partir des sources (ContextFreeSource2.2beta2.tgz), j'ai installé bison (2.3) et flex (2.5.35).

Quand je lance make, cela me donne :

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src-common/makeCFfilename.cpp: In function ‘std::string makeCFfilename(const char*, int, int, int)’:
src-common/makeCFfilename.cpp:44: erreur: ‘strchr’ was not declared in this scope
make: *** [objs/makeCFfilename.o] Erreur 1

Merci pour votre aide.

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Post by MtnViewJohn »


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#include <string.h>
to makeCFfilename.cpp

Context Free is missing many include file directives because older versions of gcc compile Context Free even though the include files are missing. Newer versions of gcc are more strict, so Context Free will not compile with them. I will fix this as soon as I get access to a newer version of gcc.

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Post by G3org »

Merci pour cette réponse rapide.
Thanx for responding so quickly.

J'ai bien rajouté
I've added

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#include <string.h>
dans le fichier makeCFfilename.cpp
in makeCFfilename.cpp

Mais aussi :
I've also added :

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#include <stdlib.h>
dans les fichiers suivants :
in the following files :
  • yglue.cpp
  • tiledCanvas.cpp
  • posixSystem.cpp
Maintenant, ça marche :P
Now, it's ok :P

Il y a aussi des avertissement sur certaines conversions et l'utilisation de mktemp :
There are some deprecated conversions and a warning about mktemp :

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src-common/yglue.cpp: In function ‘char* yg_BuildString(const char*)’:
src-common/yglue.cpp:72: attention : deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’

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src-unix/pngCanvas.cpp: In member function ‘void pngCanvas::output(const char*, int)’:
src-unix/pngCanvas.cpp:154: attention : deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’
src-unix/pngCanvas.cpp:155: attention : deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’

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objs/posixSystem.o: In function `PosixSystem::tempFileForWrite(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >&)':
posixSystem.cpp:(.text+0x396): warning: the use of `mktemp' is dangerous, better use `mkstemp' or `mkdtemp'
Maintenant, je vais essayer ce joli projet.
Now, let's try your nice project.

Sorry for my awful English.

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Post by MtnViewJohn »

I can fix all of the warnings except for the one about mktemp. We have decided to not worry about mktemp.

Can you type in
gcc -v
so that we can determine what environment compilation fails under. I have tried compiling Context Free under Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex and I received some of these warnings, but it does compile.

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Post by G3org »

I can fix all of the warnings except for the one about mktemp.
Great !
We have decided to not worry about mktemp.
Can you type in gcc -v
My gcc version is 4.3.2
I have tried compiling Context Free under Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex and I received some of these warnings, but it does compile.
Compilation is ok for me too (from Mon Dec 22, 2008 6:16 pm) :
Maintenant, ça marche :P
Now, it's ok :P
I've tried some examples of the Gallery section. Awesome !
I'm having a look in the Documentation (in fact, I'm trying to translate it in French to oblige me to understand).
Continue to develop this great program !

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