I just tried building CF 2.2.2, and received the following errors from gcc (v4.4.5):
Sure enough, objs/lex.yy.c defines yyget_leng()'s return type as an int while src-common/yglue.h defines it as a size_t. I changed size_t to int in src-common/yglue.h, and that appeased the gods of Make.cc -Isrc-common -Isrc-unix -Iobjs -Isrc-agg/include -Isrc-common/agg-extras -O3 -Wall -c -o objs/lex.yy.o objs/lex.yy.c
<stdout>:865: error: conflicting types for ‘yyget_leng’
src-common/yglue.h:54: note: previous declaration of ‘yyget_leng’ was here
<stdout>:2304: error: conflicting types for ‘yyget_leng’
src-common/yglue.h:54: note: previous declaration of ‘yyget_leng’ was here
Problem 2:
When I run the generated cfdg program it reports its version as "cfdg - 2.2.1(v11)". I'd have thought that building ContextFreeSource2.2.2.tgz would produce a 2.2.2 version number, eh?