My commandline usage looks like this (from same directory your file is):
c:\Python24\python.exe mystartrule myprefix inputimage.jpg > out.cfdg
The startrule option is obvious, the prefix is a mechanism to avoid duplicate rule names if you will be including lots of images.
CFDG isn't supposed to be about pixels, but I thought this might be useful to anyone who wanted to import pixel based fonts (and share them with the rest of us).
Code: Select all
import os, sys
import Image
def main(argv=None):
if argv is None:
argv = sys.argv
if len(argv) < 4:
print "img2cfdg startrule prefix filenametoconvert"
startrule = argv[1]
prefix = argv[2]
infile = argv[3]
greyimg ="L")
except IOError:
print "cannot convert", infile
gwidth, gheight = greyimg.size
print "startshape %s" % startrule
print "rule %s {" % startrule
#Call the rule for each row
for i in range(gheight):
# "gheight - i" because my jpegs were coming out upside down
# if your images come out upside down remove "gheight -"
# there should be a flag for this, but you have the code and i'm lazy
print "%s_row_%d { y %d }" % (prefix, i, gheight - i)
print "}"
#Rules for rows
for i in range(gheight):
print "rule %s_row_%d {" % (prefix, i)
for j in range(gwidth):
tshade = greyimg.getpixel( (j,i) )
print "SQUARE { x %d b %.3f }" % (j, tshade/255.0)
print "}"
if __name__ == "__main__":
main(["img2cfdg", "test", "test2","test1.jpg"])