I spent most of last summer having a good old play with ContextFree. However, the one thing that I missed was being able to use bitmaps and manipulate them like the primitives that CF supported. So, already having written some code to convert images to HTML I set to work making a bit of code that'd convert bitmaps into SQUAREs so that they could be used as shapes within CF. The code iterates through the image and creates a suitibly coloured SQUARE for each pixel. The code and an example image is available at http://www.anexium.com/project/cfmake.html
The code that makes images into HTML is also up at http://www.anexium.com/project
Perl based bitmap image to rule converter
Moderators: MtnViewJohn, chris, mtnviewmark
Re: Perl based bitmap image to rule converter
Thanks for making that available, but note that similar scripts have presumably been used for some of the pieces in the gallery marked with tag=artworks. Your sample picture is a nice use of a bitmap image, though.